'Eid-ul-Azha carries perfect message for the faithful'

Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Governor Engineer Shaukatullah in a message on Eid-ul-Azha said: "Eid-ul-Azha", the second most sagacious and sacred festival of Muslims, carries perfect message for the faithful to guide them in leading a responsible and successful life. 

This solemn occasion of Islamic history, in fact, marks the spirit to sacrifice which the holy prophets, Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihisalam) and his son, Hazrat Ismail (Alaihisalam) presented at the will of the Almighty Allah. Their selfless spirit of sacrifice so pleased Bari Taala that He not only replaced its will with a sheep from Heaven but also made sacrificing animals in its memory on this occasion every year. 
The core spirit of the Eid festivities, stresses the need to be patience to social and civic responsibilities and be ready for any sacrifice which we as responsible Muslim members of the society and world community are required to render for betterment of humanity. We truly are the custodians of noble cause which stresses dignity of humanity and realises the followers of Islam that they would bear rewards for every service which they are required to render for well-being of the humanity and ensure better future for it. Keeping in view the prevailing circumstances, the need for contributing responsive role and services in line with this spirit is direly felt. To make this possible, there is a need to work selflessly for promotion of education, awareness and maintenance of peace and stability in the country. 

While extending my heartiest felicitations to the countrymen in general and the people of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and FATA in particular, I would like to appeal them to be tolerant to the people in their neighbourhood; be helping hand in further consolidation of normalcy and stability; prove to be responsible member of the Pakistani nation and work for its betterment with the spirit of sacrifice and sincerity. We, indeed have the firm belief to be rewarded both in this world and the world hereafter too for our sincere and devoted services for betterment of the humanity.

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