Facebook will not be available from Tomorrow

Menlo Park - At the headquarters of Facebook is stupor, thousands of employees in the firm of Mark Zuckerberg will find themselves forced leave without balances tomorrow after the U.S. Congress have failed to pass the budget before the time limit. In fact, since that night, the “Shutdown“ for an indefinite period Among these officials are those who manage the IT infrastructure of some large U.S. companies including Facebook. Indeed, in 2009 after a suspected tax evasion, Mark Zuckerberg had to resign themselves to transfer the management of its servers to public services and therefore the federal state. But even if these servers can run only on the first Wednesday of each month (tomorrow), there is a rotation between the primary and secondary servers to perform maintenance on servers. This required maintenance will not be possible, and will go offline social network, unless Barack Obama arrives to bypass the blockage. So get ready to go out of Facebook for some time! In 1995, the United States had already experienced this situation under Bill Clinton. The paralysis lasted three weeks.

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