KESC not to take additional power from national grid : warned by Abid Sher

Minister of State for Water and Power Abid Sher Ali has warned the Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) that their electricity supply will be cut if the company used one extra MW power from its share. Speaking to the media after receiving a briefing at the National Power Construction Company (NPCC), the State Minister said that the KESC cannot be provided more than 650 MW. He warned that the connection of Karachi Electric Supply Company will be cut off if it tried to take additional electricity from the system. He directed authorities to disconnect power supply to KESC in excess of the 650 MW limit. Abid Sher Ali added that the KESC, which during peak hours was using up to 720 MW, had caused losses in the millions to the government of Pakistan. He claimed that KESC was guilty of several irregularities and he had directed authorities to conduct an audit of not only the KESC but also NPCC. He said a letter will be written to Sindh government against irregularities of the KESC. He said about 150 to 200 megawatts of electricity will be added to the national grid by the end of this month. Abid said several initiatives have been taken to produce cheaper electricity including the hydro and wind energy projects. Abid Sher Ali said diesel powered plants are being converted to coal which will help bring down the cost of production of electricity. The minister said federal government is trying to generate cheap electricity by hydro, wind and coal projects. He said the government is utilizing every possible source to overcome the energy crisis in the country. Abid Sher said the price of one unit of electricity costs the government Rs.20, being produce by oil given that oil thermal units are being converted to coal for reduce the cost. He said mega hydro-power projects are also in the pipeline which would help government in getting cheap electricity after 4 to 5 years.

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