KPK to take up hydel dues issue with Centre

PESHAWAR - Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervez Khattak has directed the high-ups of Energy and Power department to prepare a detailed report of the outstanding dues of the provincial government against the federal government in the head of net hydel profit. He said the case would be taken up with the federal government for the timely receipt of the same. He further directed the authorities to chalk out short, medium and long terms projects for harnessing the natural resources of the province including hydel, solar and wind energy to produce maximum electricity. He issued this directive during a briefing given to him by the authorities of Energy and Power about the future plans of the provincial government regarding power generation and oil and gas exploration in order to meet the energy needs of the province, the other day. The chief minister directed the relevant quarters to reduce the time period of feasibility study, preparation of PC-1 and other process of hydel power projects from seventy months to less them forty months. The chief minister said that the provincial government would utilize all the natural resources of the province for maximum power generation. adding that electricity produced by the provincial government’s own resources will be given to industrial sector in the province on cheaper rates instead of giving to national grid so that maximum local and foreign investors could be attracted and encouraged to invest in industrial sector of the province.

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