Electricity tariff hike from Nov

ISLAMABAD: The Ministry of Water and Power has issued a notification announcing the revised tariff of electricity to be effective from November.

The new tariff would not apply to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa because of a stay order issued by the Peshawar High Court against the tariff hike in the province.

The tariff revision has been made on a directive issued by the Supreme Court earlier this month against the government's decision about a massive increase in electricity charges.

While Nepra fixed Rs4 per unit for consumers using 1-50 units, the government has decided to reduce it through subsidy and will now charge Rs2 per unit for this slab.

For consumers using between 51 and 100 units, Nepra has recommended Rs11 per unit, but the government fixed Rs5.79/unit and the difference will be paid by the government in the form of subsidy.

For consumption of between 101 and 200 units, Nepra has recommended the rate of Rs14/unit, but the government has decided to charge Rs8.11/unit and the difference will taken care of by subsidy.

For consumers using between 201-300 units, the tariff would be Rs12.9 per unit. For people using 301-700 units a month, Nepra set Rs16/unit tariff and the same will be charged from consumers. For consumption beyond 700 units the rate will be Rs18/unit.

The government has estimated that the total power subsidy during 2013-14 will be Rs168 billion.

However, officials said that the amount of subsidy could go up by the end of the fiscal year.

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