Famous Comedian Mr. Bean Accepts Islam

Famous actor of funny films Mr. bean has entered into the islamic world as he has accepted the Islam. And surprised the comedian famous “Mr Bean” middle and artistic world by announcing entry inthe Islamic religion. And the relocation of “echo my” word Mr Bean shows from which the film was offensive to the Prophet – peace be upon him – was a major reason for the discovery of a teacher this true religion, and did not want Mr Bean authorizing the channels of information so, as it could only raise his finger testimony. According to some sources, interested according to the site, Sheikh Rashid Ghannouchi Contact the name and the name of the Nahda Movement congratulatory telegram for this artist Qadeer congratulating, calling him stable on the road to the right, waiting to send an official mission to congratulate him. The site indicates that Sheikh Rashid relationship with “Mr Bean” is related to ancient days was in London. Sheikh has long been a good mentor.

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