Imran asks KP govt to ensure transparency

PESHAWAR: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan on Sunday asked Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government to make governance more transparent so that the common people could have access to justice.

He was talking to members of provincial cabinet and administrative secretaries at the Chief Minister’s Secretariat during his one-day visit to Peshawar. Chief Minister Pervez Khattak and PTI central Secretary General Jehangir Tareen were also present on the occasion, said a handout.

Imran Khan said transparency should be ensured to discourage the corrupt. He added that the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government was formulating laws to shrink space for the wrongdoers.The PTI chief said funds must be spent on the wellbeing of the poor and efforts should be made that the resources were not misused by anyone. He said the government should discourage taking whimsical decisions that paved the way for the exploitation of the poor. He said Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was making efforts to eradicate corruption, adding that fighting graft was not possible without political will.

He said formulating laws aimed at making governance more transparent, monitoring the governance-related issues and detecting malpractices would lead to transparency.Imran Khan said honest people would be appointed to head departments in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa so that the trust of the people could be revived. He added competent people had the ability to resist any temptation.

He expressed satisfaction over the welfare activities planned by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government and asked the officials to expedite the development process in social sector.Chief Minister Pervez Khattak said the government was making efforts to end corruption and uphold the rule of law. He said supremacy of merit was being ensured at the top level and it would have trickle down effect. He said he had directed the provincial departments to ensure transparency.

The chief minister said the government had taken solid steps to discourage corruption and stop irregularities, adding that a set of laws had been approved by the cabinet and these would be tabled in the provincial assembly.

He said the enactment of new law would set the course of governance on the right track and nobody would get a chance to indulge in corruption and malpractices. Pervez Khattak said his government’s ultimate goal was to establish corruption-free governance in the province.

The chief minister maintained that money would be spent on the welfare of the people as strict financial discipline had been introduced to prevent the wastage of funds meant for the uplift of the masses.

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