Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak on Friday termed Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) as cancer and sought the co-operation of the Opposition to rid the people of unjustified power loadshedding being carried out by the authority's inefficient officials. Speaking in the Provincial Assembly, the Chief Minister said that though it was not impossible but needed collective efforts.
"It is our collective responsibility to remove the existing problems in Wapda," he added. Khattak held the Wapda officials responsible for all the problems saying that power theft was not possible without the support of its own officials. Expressing concern over the unannounced loadshedding, the CM asked the members of the house to pinpoint irregularities in their respective areas for which he had already established complaint cells.
The Chief Minister vowed to end political interference in education department. He said they had promised to impart best education and for this purpose they would make legislation in the next session. Earlier, Provincial Minister for Information Shah Farman, ANP's Sardar Hussain Babak, PPP's Mohammad Ali Shah Bacha, expressed concerns over the constant statements of the Federal Minister for Power Abid Sher Ali projecting consumers in KP as electricity thieves.
"It is our collective responsibility to remove the existing problems in Wapda," he added. Khattak held the Wapda officials responsible for all the problems saying that power theft was not possible without the support of its own officials. Expressing concern over the unannounced loadshedding, the CM asked the members of the house to pinpoint irregularities in their respective areas for which he had already established complaint cells.
The Chief Minister vowed to end political interference in education department. He said they had promised to impart best education and for this purpose they would make legislation in the next session. Earlier, Provincial Minister for Information Shah Farman, ANP's Sardar Hussain Babak, PPP's Mohammad Ali Shah Bacha, expressed concerns over the constant statements of the Federal Minister for Power Abid Sher Ali projecting consumers in KP as electricity thieves.