Awami National Party (ANP) Senator Zahid Khan and State Minister for Water & Power Abid Sher Ali exchanged abuses after the latter blamed Pashtuns for electricity theft. According to details, during a meeting of Senate’s Standing Committee for Water and Power on Friday, Senator Zahid Khan and Abid Sher Ali exchanged hot words when the state minister alleged that Pashtuns were involved in power theft.
The ANP senator asked Abid Sher Ali to avoid such blames upon which the state minister said he was not blaming but placing the real facts and figures.
Abid Sher Ali also asked Khan to avoid politicking in the committee meeting and to play role for stopping electricity theft instead.
Upon the altercation between the two, representative of Sindh stood up and criticised both members, saying in each and every meeting, the KP issue was discussed and the committee had no concern about Sindh and its people.
He stressed upon the need of discussing issues faced by Sindh province as well. After intervention by other members of the standing committee, the issue was brought under control and all members took their seats.