More CCTVs to be installed in Peshawar

PESHAWAR: In order to counter terrorist attacks and have a check on suspects’ movements in the provincial metropolis, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has decided to install closed-circuit television cameras (CCTVs).
These CCTVs will be monitored through a fully equipped operation room, as the cameras would be installed at public places, crowded trade centres and sensitive places, an officials said.
At least eight cameras have already been installed in different sections of the police stations and outside the buildings with a purpose to keep a tight vigil over movements of suspected persons.

To keep an eye on police stations, these cameras have also been connected with the office of the Capital City Police Officer and IGP. Now, the KPK government has decided to install more cameras at sensitive places in Peshawar in view of the recent terror attacks, particularly the bombings in Qissa Khwani and a church in Kohati Gate locality.

The sources said that after the installation in Peshawar, the more CCTVs would also be installed at police stations all over the province.

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