Pakistan Railways Lower Its Fares on Eid-ul-Adha Occasion

Lahore: Pakistan Railways, on the holy occasion of Eid-ul-Adha 2013 have lowered the fares for the passengers of all traveling classes, it has been reported. Considerable decrement of 40 % in the fares has been announced by the respective government department as recorded by the statement by the officials. 

On the occasion, more five trains would be facilitating the masses. These trains would carry the passengers from the capital cities of the five provinces. From 13 to 15 of October 2013, these trains would act as connecting links. 
On October 13, two trains would leave for the journey. The first departing train would travel from Karachi to KPK capital Peshawar, passing through the Lahore railway. On the same day, from the Lahore station, the train would leave for Quetta to Peshawar.

The third train would also begin its traveling journey from the financial capital of Sindh province, Karachi to Punjab’s provincial capital, Lahore. Before reaching its destination, the train would pass through the Faisalabad railway tracks.

Through Rawalpindi, the third train would connect to Lahore, after leaving from Peshawar station. The fifth train however would leave for departure from Peshawar to Multan. Thus the last two, the connecting link for the regions.

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