Major challenges await new KP governor

PESHAWAR : Though new Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sardar Mehtab Ahmad Khan has a big name and vast experience in national politics, yet some major challenges will confront him in the province as well tribal areas.
The top most is restoration of peace and secondly to run the provincial affairs smoothly with the ruling PTI, being considered a political rival of the PML-N, sitting in opposition in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
To a great extent, Sardar Mehtab’s party, the N-League that currently governs in centre and the PTI in the province, are on the same page when it comes to have peace negotiations with Taliban. In this regard, the governor could play more effective role in peace efforts.
Being chief of his own fiction JUI-S, Maulana Samiul Haq who also leads Taliban peace committee too attended the oath taking ceremony of Governor Sardar Mehtab. It is now evident that being an administrative head of FATA, the governor would now be taken on board in coming peace efforts, as former governor has not be part of the initiative at all. If new the governor goes one-step ahead, he can utilise energies of tribal elders in peace process.

“Moreover, having been leader of the opposition in KP Assembly, Mehtab Abbasi could bring opposition on one-page to help government in the matter,” a political analyst said. What if talks bear no fruits? Will it subsequently bring face-to-face the provincial ruling alliance to the opposition? Yes, certainly, he added.
In his brief talks with media after taking oath of his office, the governor reiterated to restore peace in FATA first. No doubt, he will have to use all his energies to get success in his plans.

It is not as easy as it seems. So, he will have to take all the stakeholders on board. It seems a good opportunity to ensure what the governor has promised. If he does so, it will help his party re-emerge in KP and FATA, where its popularity graph is on decline.

Not only this, the ever-neglected tribesmen have also pinned high hopes on new the governor to hold local bodies elections in tribal belt. In the prevailing situation, it is an uphill task. However, it will be a big achievement, if his party’s government in centre makes it possible.

Because, it is the only PPP that had made certain historic decisions about FATA whether it is about amendments in the FCR, political, judicial, administrative reforms, extension of Political Parties Order (PPO-2002) or giving adult franchise right to tribal people.

Having a unique credit of serving the province both in the capacity of governor as well as the chief minister, Sardar Mehtab could strengthen and overcome the differences within his party at provincial level.
In last elections, PML-N didn’t play accordingly as expected in Hazara and Malakand Divisions and Southern districts, as the PTI, which now governs the province did well there. The main reason was internal rifts within the party. 

Apart from, the PTI not only supported the creation of Hazara province but also passed a resolution in KP Assembly in this regard. While the PML-N, which is also deeply rooted in Hazara region, did not fully back the creation of this province.
A political pundit said it would certainly dent PML-N’s popularity in Hazara region. Thus, the party’s top brass has to appoint Sardar Mehtab, who also hails from district Abbottabad of Hazara aimed to protect the party from more knocks in future.

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